Awards & RecognitionCompetitionM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignRecognition Kravet Design of Distinction Award Winners Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsIndustrial DesignNewsProgram NewsProjectsStudent WorkUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Students Win Museum Competition Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionFaculty NewsFashion DesignRecognition Fashion Design Faculty Member Anne Hand Recognized for Excellence in Teaching & Collaboration Nicole Breslin
CollaborationsFaculty ProjectsIndustrial DesignIndustry EngagementsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design International Collaboration on Lighting Research Mark Havens
Alumni NewsFeaturedM.S. Textile DesignInterviewRecognition Interview with an Alum: Drew McKevitt Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsIndustrial DesignUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignNewsRecognition Industrial Design Alum Wins Lighting Competition Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionStudent WorkM.S. Textile DesignRecognition TD Student Callie Connors Wins ITA Cover Competition Meghan Kelly
Event NewsIndustrial DesignProgram NewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNews Industrial Design Welcomes Cooper Hewitt’s Ellen Lupton Mark Havens
Faculty NewsFaculty ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignRecognition TD Faculty Mine Invasive Plant Species for Dye Stuffs Meghan Kelly
Class ProjectsIndustrial DesignNewsProjectsStudent WorkIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design Industrial Design Students Recreate The Classics Mark Havens
FeaturedStudent WorkM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignInterview Textile Design Studio Tour for HGA Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsAwards & RecognitionFashion DesignM.S. Fashion Design TechnologyInterviewRecognition Fashion Design Alum Lucas Circello ’21 Recognized on CFDA RUNWAY360 Nicole Breslin
Event NewsFeaturedM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignTextile Design and Textile Materials TechnologyFeaturedNews TJU East Falls is First to be Visited by the Kravet Workspace Mobile Showroom Meghan Kelly
Faculty NewsIndustrial DesignJefferson University NewsProgram NewsUncategorizedEngineeringIndustrial DesignFeaturedNews Industrial Design & Engineering: Design For Disappearance Mark Havens
Alumni NewsM.S. Textile Design Textile Design Alumni is Expert Panelist at NYTM Hudson Valley Carbon Farm Tour Meghan Kelly
Industry EngagementsM.S. Textile DesignRecognition Textile Design Students win SDA Outstanding Student Award Meghan Kelly
UncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Students Win Core77 Award Mark Havens
Class ProjectsStudent WorkTextile DesignInterview Interview with a Capstone student: Kacie Smith Meghan Kelly
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Capstone ProjectsCollaborationsIndustrial DesignProgram NewsProjectsThesis ProjectsUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignVideo Industrial Design: Follow a Capstone Journey Mark Havens
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Capstone ProjectsIndustrial DesignNewsProjectsThesis ProjectsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignNews Industrial Design Seniors Present Their Capstone Projects – Then Refine! Mark Havens
Thesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignInterview Interview with a Thesis Student: Olivia Manning Meghan Kelly
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Class ProjectsProjectsStudent WorkFashion DesignFeatured 2021 Red Dress Designs for the American Heart Association of Philadelphia Nicole Breslin
Student WorkThesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignInterview Interview with a Thesis Student: Jacquelyn Moore Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedInterview Industrial Design Alumni Profile: Nick Friez Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionCompetitionStudent WorkFashion DesignEditorialRecognition Congratulations 2021 Eileen Komar West Fashion Design Scholarship Winners! Nicole Breslin