Alumni NewsAwards & RecognitionClass ProjectsCompetitionProgram NewsStudent WorkM.S. Health Communication DesignVisual Communication DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Visual Communication Design and Health Communication Design Alumni win Graphis New Talent Awards! Beth Shirrell
Awards & RecognitionCompetitionM.S. Textile DesignRecognition 2022 Virginia Jackson Design Competition Sweep! Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsAwards & RecognitionCapstone ProjectsIndustrial DesignJefferson University NewsNewsProgram NewsProjectsStudent WorkThesis ProjectsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Wins IDEA Gold Award Mark Havens
Alumni NewsAwards & RecognitionCompetitionIndustrial DesignJefferson University NewsNewsProgram NewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Alums Win IDEA Bronze Award Mark Havens
CompetitionStudent WorkFashion DesignNewsRecognition Jefferson Fashion Students Continue their 2022 Fashion Scholarship Fund Legacy Nicole Breslin
CompetitionIndustry EngagementsFashion DesignFeaturedRecognition Jefferson Fashion Students Win Joan Shepp’s Holiday Window Display Competition Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionCompetitionM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignRecognition Kravet Design of Distinction Award Winners Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsIndustrial DesignNewsProgram NewsProjectsStudent WorkUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Students Win Museum Competition Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionFaculty NewsFashion DesignRecognition Fashion Design Faculty Member Anne Hand Recognized for Excellence in Teaching & Collaboration Nicole Breslin
CollaborationsFaculty ProjectsIndustrial DesignIndustry EngagementsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design International Collaboration on Lighting Research Mark Havens
Alumni NewsFeaturedM.S. Textile DesignInterviewRecognition Interview with an Alum: Drew McKevitt Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsIndustrial DesignUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignNewsRecognition Industrial Design Alum Wins Lighting Competition Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionStudent WorkM.S. Textile DesignRecognition TD Student Callie Connors Wins ITA Cover Competition Meghan Kelly
Faculty NewsFaculty ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignRecognition TD Faculty Mine Invasive Plant Species for Dye Stuffs Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsAwards & RecognitionFashion DesignM.S. Fashion Design TechnologyInterviewRecognition Fashion Design Alum Lucas Circello ’21 Recognized on CFDA RUNWAY360 Nicole Breslin
Industry EngagementsM.S. Textile DesignRecognition Textile Design Students win SDA Outstanding Student Award Meghan Kelly
UncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Students Win Core77 Award Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionCompetitionM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignFeaturedRecognition Sunbrella Competition Winners! Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionCompetitionStudent WorkFashion DesignEditorialRecognition Congratulations 2021 Eileen Komar West Fashion Design Scholarship Winners! Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionUncategorizedFashion DesignM.S. Fashion Design TechnologyEditorialRecognition Lavinia Biagiotti Unveils F/W 2021-2022 Collection for International Women’s Day Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionIndustrial DesignNewsUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Industrial Design Student Selected for New Balance Internship Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionIndependent Student ProjectsNewsStudent WorkFashion DesignIndustrial DesignFeaturedRecognition Jefferson Design Students Win Scholarships Through Fashion Scholarship Fund Nicole Breslin
Class ProjectsStudent WorkThesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignRecognition Phew! Midterms are over! Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionFeaturedProgram NewsSchool of Design and EngineeringFeaturedRecognition A Study in Collaboration: Textile World Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsFaculty NewsFaculty ProjectsFeaturedSchool of Design and EngineeringTextile DesignRecognition Invasive Plant Research Group to Present at Student Conference on Conservation Science Meghan Kelly
CompetitionProgram NewsStudent WorkFashion DesignRecognition Jefferson Fashion Design Students Win Big with 2020 Eileen Komar West Scholarship Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionCapstone ProjectsEvent NewsFeaturedStudent WorkThesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignRecognition NY Textile Month to host May 2020 Textile Design graduates Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionCapstone ProjectsStudent WorkThesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignRecognition Textile Design Students win SDA’s Outstanding Student Award Meghan Kelly
Capstone ProjectsThesis ProjectsM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignFeaturedRecognition Congratulations to our Textile Design Capstone and Thesis Students! Meghan Kelly
Awards & RecognitionNewsStudent WorkUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignNewsRecognition Jessica Monteleone: Industrial Design Student Merit Award Winner Mark Havens
FeaturedStudent WorkM.S. Textile DesignTextile DesignFeaturedRecognition Innovative Home Studio Work by Textile Design Students Meghan Kelly
Alumni NewsFeaturedTextile DesignFeaturedInterviewRecognition Interview with Alum Morgan Jefferson Meghan Kelly