CollaborationsEvent NewsIndustry EngagementsNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design The Student-Designed Design Conference Mark Havens
Event NewsFaculty NewsProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication 2018 Lancaster Letterpress Fair Beth Shirrell
CollaborationsIndustry EngagementsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design A SUMMER OF DESIGN: Startups Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsCollaborationsNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design A SUMMER OF DESIGN: Competitions Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionFaculty NewsGraphic Design Communication “Not Just Eye Candy: Design Work by Frank Baseman” University of Delaware Exhibition Beth Shirrell
Awards & RecognitionEvent NewsProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication Class of 2018 Student Awards Beth Shirrell
Program NewsUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design VISUAL DIARY: Industrial Design Students Visit Hong Kong & China Mark Havens
Event NewsFaculty NewsProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication Design Thinking Workshop Led by IBM Strategist Beth Shirrell
Faculty NewsGraphic Design Communication Baseman on Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship Panel at Penn State Startup Week Beth Shirrell
Alumni NewsEvent NewsProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication Graphic Design Discovery Day 2018 and Real World Jefferson Graphic Design Alumni Event Beth Shirrell
Awards & RecognitionProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication Highest Honors: Jefferson Graphic Design Top Design School and Students to Watch 2018 in Graphic Design USA Magazine Beth Shirrell
Class ProjectsCollaborationsIndustry EngagementsNewsProjectsUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design Sprint 2018: An Insider View Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsFaculty NewsProgram NewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design ONYX Shoe Packaging Project Wins Graphis New Talent Merit Award Beth Shirrell
Awards & RecognitionFaculty NewsM.S. User Experience & Interaction DesignWeb Design & Development Modern Monsters Website Wins Award Beth Shirrell
Class ProjectsCollaborationsIndustry EngagementsNewsProjectsUncategorizedIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design The 2018 ID Sprint Project: Examining the Adolescent Patient Experience with JeffSolves. Mark Havens
NewsProgram NewsGraphic Design Communication AIGA Jefferson Student Group Throws Successful Unity Gala Beth Shirrell
Awards & RecognitionClass ProjectsNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design Industrial Design Student Wins 1st Place in International Lighting Competition Mark Havens
Awards & RecognitionNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design Masters ID Student Takes First Place in Annual Top Ram Competition Mark Havens
CollaborationsNewsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial Design 3D Printed Heart Aids Doctor in Real-World Surgery Mark Havens
Class ProjectsCollaborationsIndustry EngagementsNewsProjectsIndustrial DesignM.S. Industrial DesignM.S. Textile DesignM.S. Textile EngineeringTextile Design Jefferson ID Partners with Under Armour for a Unique Interdisciplinary Project Mark Havens
Event NewsNewsM.S. User Experience & Interaction Design Learning Innovation Conversations: John Maeda at Drexel University Neil Harner
Class ProjectsNewsAnimation & Digital MediaM.S. User Experience & Interaction DesignWeb Design & Development Student Showcase – Fall 2016 Neil Harner