Alumni NewsCompetitionFashion DesignFeaturedRecognition FASHION DESIGN ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: McKenzi Migliorini ’21 Nicole Breslin
Event NewsFeaturedFashion DesignEditorialNews 2024 Jefferson Fashion Design Film & Runway Premiere Nicole Breslin
Capstone ProjectsEvent NewsFeaturedProgram NewsStudent WorkFashion DesignFeaturedNews Jefferson Fashion Design Film Premiere and Runway Highlights on Fox29 Philadelphia Nicole Breslin
FeaturedIndependent Student ProjectsStudent WorkFashion DesignEditorialRecognition Philadelphia Fashion Week with Thomas Jefferson University Fashion Design Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionFeaturedStudent WorkFashion DesignFeaturedRecognition Fashion Network Features Class of 2023 Fashion Designers Nicole Breslin
Awards & RecognitionCapstone ProjectsEvent NewsFeaturedProgram NewsFashion DesignFeaturedNews Behind the Seams with Jefferson Fashion Design Class of 2023 Nicole Breslin
CompetitionNewsFashion DesignFeaturedNewsRecognition Jefferson Fashion Design Competes at Philly Fashion Week Nicole Breslin
Class ProjectsEvent NewsNewsProjectsFashion DesignNews Experimental Fashion Debuts at Design X Fashion Show Nicole Breslin
NewsProgram NewsFashion DesignEditorial Alumni’s Designs Hit New York Fashion Week Runway Nicole Breslin