Every semester, we like to interview our graduating students about their work, their plans, and what makes them tick. First up this semester, we have Jacquelyn “Jackie” Moore. Jackie focuses on printed textiles. She has a beautiful hand, an eye for drama, and a healthy respect for the macabre. Her thesis print collection is dark and vivid and all about the details. This collection is based on the TNT show The Alienist. Each character in the show serves as a conceptual basis for the prints shown below. The prints are mysterious, ethereal, and just a bit eerie. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Scroll through to see a selection of Jackie’s thesis collection. If you’d like to see more, you can find her on Instagram at @mooretextiles and @mooredraws and her website www.mooredraws.com. Check out Jackie’s capstone collection here.

How did you choose Textile Design as a major?
My undergrad is Illustration. In the program, we had an assignment where we had to design a repeat pattern for wrapping paper. It had to be done entirely in Adobe Illustrator. I really liked it and started doing research on whether or not jobs like that really existed. I found Textile Design and started doing research on different schools.

Do you have a background in design or textiles?
No. My background is in Illustration.

What is your favorite book of all time?
I don’t really have one. But I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy books. If I had to choose it would be, Dracula by Bram Stoker, The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, and anything written by Philip K Dick.

What would you like to be doing in 5 years?
I’m not sure. I don’t plan my life that far in advance.

How does your personal aesthetic influence your design work? Do you think it should?
I don’t think so. I’m usually thinking of a particular person or narrative when I design.

What are your hobbies? How do you make time for them?
Video games. During the school year, I normally play mobile games because they’re simple and there’s no thought process behind them. Over the weekends, when I have a bit more time, I play the Sims 4. During school breaks, I mostly play PS4 games.

How has the pandemic changed your creative routine?
I can’t travel like I want to. But besides that, it hasn’t been that bad for me.

What is your favorite thing to do to distract yourself from school stress?
Taking a nap

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